Tyre Safety Month

October is Tyre Safety Month. W R Davies Toyota would like to share some helpful tips on how to keep yourself and others safe on the road by ensuring your tyres are in perfect condition as autumn and winter approach.

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Why Tyre Safety Matters

Tyre Safety Month 2022

Did you know that regular tyre checks can reduce the risk of incidents on the road and save you money on fuel costs? Underinflated tyres wear out faster and lead to increased fuel consumption. Don't wait - prioritize tyre safety today.

There are a number of checks you can do to reduce the risks of a tyre-related incident.

The 20p Check

20P Correct Tyre Check
20P Wrong Tyre tread check
Here's a quick test you can perform regularly to check your tyre tread depth: Place a 20p coin into the main tread grooves of your tyre. If the outer band of the coin is obscured, your tread is above the legal limit. If it's visible, your tyres may be unsafe and should be checked by a qualified professional. Remember to check in at least three locations on each tyre and do this simple test at least once a month.

Tyre Condition

Tyre Safety Month 2022 Condition
Your tyres endure a lot on the road. Regularly inspect them, remove embedded objects, and look for lumps or bulges. If you spot any irregularities, it's crucial to have your tyres examined by a qualified professional to avoid potential safety hazards.

Tyre Pressure

Tyre Safety Month 2022 Pressure
Maintaining the correct tyre pressure is essential for road safety. Underinflated or overinflated tyres can affect your car's handling and grip, leading to unpredictable behaviour. Properly inflated tyres offer better fuel efficiency, comfort, and longer tyre life.

Tyre Tread Depth

Tyre Tread depth
In the UK, the legal minimum tread depth is 1.6mm, ensuring your car can handle wet conditions effectively. Inadequate tread depth can compromise your safety on wet roads. It's advisable to replace your tyres well before they reach this limit. Remember, driving with illegal tread depth can result in fines and penalty points.

Stay Safe on the Road

At W R Davies Toyota, we're committed to your safety. Schedule a free tyre check with us today and ensure your tyres are in perfect condition for the changing seasons. Don't risk your safety or higher fuel costs - let our experts help you stay safe on the road.

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