When buying any car, you have to take into consideration more than just the purchase price alone. Knowing how much the vehicle will cost to run day in, day out is just as important, as too is having an idea of how often you will be visiting garages for servicing and maintenance. Buying a Dacia therefore represents a sensible choice, with both purchasing and ongoing costs more than affordable, not least when taking advantage of our servicing and parts special offers.
At W R Davies Dacia in Llandudno Junction, we pride ourselves on forming lasting relationships with our customers, and a large part of that comes from offering great value deals on aftersales services. We have savings on MOT testing, replacement parts, seasonal health checks, full annual servicing, and much more, and regularly update this page with new offers as they are introduced.
To take advantage of any of the latest deals listed, contact our aftersales team today and make sure you keep your Dacia running at its best for longer.